El báculo papal se parece más a eso que a una cruz


The Stang is adored by many modern Traditional Witches, myself included. It’s a tool whose use powerfully evokes a sense of connection to something old and primitive. In its simplest form, a forked staff, Witches use the Stang in various ways including representing the Horned One, aiding in spirit flight, and directing energy.

When I first found Traditional Witchcraft, I often wondered where exactly this instrument of Arte came from. With the Athame in Wicca, we can, with some certainty, trace its origins. So I began to wonder, if we could do the same with the Stang. Certainly forked staffs have been associated with Witchcraft since early times (as evidenced from old woodcuts and trial records), but how do they connect to what we have today?


The Stang

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