Pongo aquí algunas perlitas del famosillo informe de la Onu a la Iglesia Católica… Muchas de ellas, ya puestas en marcha hace mucho tiempo. Cosa que no han hecho muchos estados… Vean, lean y juzguen ustedes mismos. Están en juego muchas cosas. Hay mucho de ingeniería social. Hay mucho lobby. Hay mucha, perdonen por la expresión, mierda. Hemos pasado a ser sujetos sospechosos. Sólo hay que ver el informe Lunacek. Lesbiana, a favor de la ¡¡¡pederastia!!!
«The Committee urges the Holy See to provide systematic training on the provisions of the Convention to all members of the clergy as well as Catholic orders and institutions working with and/or for children, and to include mandatory modules on children’s rights in the teachers’ training programmes as well as in seminaries. (p.4) » «Amend both Canon Law and Vatican City State laws to explicitly prohibit all corporal punishment of children, including within the family; (c) Establish mechanisms to effectively enforce this ban in all Catholic schools and institutions working with and for children as well as on the territory of the Vatican City State and to ensure accountability for violence against children; and (d) Make use of its authority to promote positive, non-violent and participatory forms of child-rearing, and ensure that an interpretation of Scripture as not condoning corporal punishment is reflected in Church teaching and other activities and incorporated into all theological education and training.» «Abuse and neglect 41. The Committee is concerned about the Holy See’s position that civil authorities should intervene in the family setting only in cases where a proven abuse has been committed in order not to interfere with the duties and rights of the parents. Such a position seriously undermines efforts and measures to prevent abuse and neglect of children. The Committee is also concerned that in spite of its considerable influence on Catholic families, the Holy See has still not adopted a comprehensive strategy to prevent abuse and neglect in the home due to a code of silence imposed on all members of the clergy under penalty of excommunication» (p9) «Immediately remove all known and suspected child sexual abusers from assignment and refer the matter to the relevant law enforcement authorities for investigation and prosecution purposes». «Ensure that all priests, religious personnel and individuals working under the authority of the Holy See are made aware of their reporting obligations and of the fact that in case of conflict, these obligations prevail over Canon law provisions(ibidem)» Sovereign subject of international law having an original, non-derived legal personality» «48. While welcoming the information provided by the delegation of the Holy See that it will proceed with a revision of family-related provisions of Canon Law in the near future, the Committee is concerned that the Holy See and Church run institutions do not recognize the existence of diverse forms of families and often discriminate children on the basis of their family situation. «(p 11) «50. The Committee welcomes the emphasis placed by the Holy See on the importance for the full and harmonious development of children’s personality of growing up in a family environment. The Committee is however concerned about the situation of adolescents recruited by the Legion of Christ and other Catholic institutions who are progressively separated from their families and isolated from the outside world. » [..] The Committee urges the Holy See to properly investigate all allegations of children and adolescents being separated from their families by means of psychological manipulation and ensure that those responsible for manipulating adolescents be held accountable and cease their activities.»(p. 12) «Sale, trafficking and abduction 58. The Committee is deeply concerned that thousands of babies have been forcibly withdrawn from their mothers by members of Catholic congregations in a number of countries and subsequently placed in orphanages or given to adoptive parents abroad» (p.13)