Muere un obispo escocés 17 días ante de ser ordenado


Profound shock in Church at sudden death of priest days before ordination as bishop

Técnicamente no era obispo sino obispo electo.

Lo había nombrado Francisco el pasado 2 de febrero


Father Martin James Chambers

Bishop-Elect of Dunkeld, Scotland, Great Britain


Date Age Event Title
8 Jun 1964 59.83 Born
26 Mar 1988 23.7 Ordained Deacon Deacon of Galloway, Scotland, Great Britain
25 Aug 1989 25.2 Ordained Priest Priest of Galloway, Scotland, Great Britain
2 Feb 2024 59.6 Appointed Bishop of Dunkeld, Scotland, Great Britain
27 Apr 2024 59.8 Ordained Bishop Bishop of Dunkeld, Scotland, Great Britain
Event Place
Birth Place Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Archdiocese of Glasgow, Scotland
Ordained Deacon Royal Scots College, Valladolid, Archdiocese of ValladolidSpain
Ordained Priest St. Mary, Irvine, Ayrshire, Diocese of Galloway, Scotland
Ordained Bishop St. Andrew, Cathedral, Dundee, Diocese of Dunkeld, Scotland
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