Ha fallecido hoy el cardenal Williams


Thomas Stafford

A los 93 años. Arzobispo emérito de Wellington, Nueva Zelanda.

Fue creado cardenal por Juan Pablo II en 1983, le aceptó la renuncia la mismo Papa en 2005 y ‘oerdió sus derechos electorales en 2010 por lo que solo pudo participar el el Cónclave que eligió a Benedicto XVI.  Era el undécimo cardenal más anciano de la Iglesia. Descanse en paz.


Thomas Stafford Cardinal Williams †


Archbishop Emeritus of WellingtonNew Zealand

Cardinal-Priest of Gesù Divin Maestro alla Pineta Sacchetti


Date Age Event Title
20 Mar 1930 Born
20 Dec 1959 29.7 Ordained Priest Priest of WellingtonNew Zealand
30 Oct 1979 49.6 Appointed Archbishop of WellingtonNew Zealand
20 Dec 1979 49.7 Ordained Bishop Archbishop of WellingtonNew Zealand
2 Feb 1983 52.8 Elevated to Cardinal
2 Feb 1983 52.8 Appointed Cardinal-Priest of Gesù Divin Maestro alla Pineta Sacchetti
1 Jun 1995 65.1 Appointed Bishop of New Zealand, Military
21 Mar 2005 75.0 Retired Archbishop of WellingtonNew Zealand
1 Apr 2005 75.0 Retired Bishop of New Zealand, Military
22 Dec 2023 93.7 Died Archbishop Emeritus of WellingtonNew Zealand
Event Place
Birth Place Wellington, Archdiocese of Wellington
Ordained Bishop St Mary of the Angels, Church, Wellington, Archdiocese of Wellington
Death Place Waikanae, Archdiocese of Wellington

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