Cae un obispo norteamericano con una prórroga que no llegó a los dos meses y medio


Norwich bishop in hospital after taking ill on Sunday

Como si le estuvieran esperando.

¿Por bueno?

Rinunce e nomine, 03.09.2024


Rinuncia del Vescovo di Norwich (U.S.A.)

Il Santo Padre ha accettato la rinuncia al governo pastorale della Diocesi di Norwich (U.S.A.), presentata da S.E. Mons. Michael R. Cote.

Bishop Michael Richard Cote

Bishop of Norwich, Connecticut, USA


Date Age Event Title
19 Jun 1949 75.20 Born
29 Jun 1975 26.0 Ordained Priest Priest of Portland, Maine, USA
9 May 1995 45.8 Appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Portland, Maine, USA
9 May 1995 45.8 Appointed Titular Bishop of Cebarades
27 Jul 1995 46.1 Ordained Bishop Titular Bishop of Cebarades
11 Mar 2003 53.7 Appointed Bishop of Norwich, Connecticut, USA
14 May 2003 53.9 Installed Bishop of Norwich, Connecticut, USA


Event Place
Birth Place Sanford, Diocese of Portland, Maine
Ordained Priest Saint Peter’s Square, Roma, Diocese of Roma {Rome}Italy
Ordained Bishop Immaculate Conception, Cathedral, Portland, Diocese of Portland, Maine

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